Monday, June 23, 2008

The Power of Now

You may have heard of 'The Power of Now' ...

In your powerful now, if you tell the story of how you got here, you recount the past, and continue what was. This all relates to my past post "Be Careful What You Wish For!"...are you sure you want to go there?

All that really matters is what is happening now and what you are becoming, what you are going towards. Contrary to the old saying "your past equals your future", no, it does NOT! Your past is just that, it's gone, it's over, you cannot change it. You can change everything from this moment forward though.

Be aware of your thoughts and when you step into the past. It's all about vibration. What might also be called your mindset.

What is vibrationally happening now is related to the stories you tell. We're going to tell a new story now. A story that is about becoming more. The happy healthy abundant ever after story.

What matters is your now vibration, which is whatever you're talking / feeling / thinking about ... and I trust, acting upon. Action is essential. Make it inspired action.

Talk, feel, think, in a way that matches what you have (consciously and subconsciously) asked for. If you want X, never tell a story, related to past, present, or future, about Y. Y being what you don't want or the lack of X.

If you talk about 'the way it is', you activate that and will get more of the same. So unless 'the way it is' is exactly the way you want it to be, keep being mindful of what you are putting your focus on.

An understanding and deliberate application of the Law of Creation and the Law of Attraction will bring about many changes in your life.

Take The
to the world ... by living it now.

Blessings Everyone!

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(portions of this post came from Jane McCarthy)

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