This TV commercial is so sad, but I wanted to post it for those of you that have not had the opportunity to see it.
If just one of you watches and ends up visiting an animal shelter to adopt your next pet, then all the tears I have cried while seeing this advertisement will have been worth it.
Please adopt an animal from your local shelter or donate to a worthy cause for an animal....they need us.
I wish I had learned this at an earlier age! I'm certainly trying to instill this Law into my children's beliefs....I want them to know that anything is achievable if they know how to use the power of their minds!
The mind is very powerful. Like a magnet, our thoughts attract and repel objects, people and events in and out of our lives constantly.
Just look at the people around you, the circumstances of your life right now, today. The people that we come in contact with and the situations we find ourselves in right now are there by a direct result of our thoughts that resulted in an action or actions and created our present situation based on those thoughts.
Our mind is nothing but a continuous reel of thoughts. These thoughts become magnets and send out magnetic currents or vibrations of energy into the universe. The more optimistic, positive and enthusiastic you are about a thought, the actions and results that eventuate from those thoughts, create a positive outcome for you. This also works in the opposite, if you have a negative attitude, actions or mindset, you are sure to attract negative things into your life.
The more you think about a certain activity, object or event, the higher the chances are that those things will be attracted into your life. Now, don't panic, this does not mean that all you think about will become real! Thoughts need a particular strength to materialize....there needs to be feelings, belief and energy behind them to produce the desired result. Weak magnets do not attract much, and the same goes for weak thoughts.
Attraction is an unbiased or neutral power. The magnet attracts everything that is iron, irrespective of whether it is useful or not. The same law applies with our mind and thoughts. Be positive and optimistic if you want good things happen in you life, and if you act otherwise you are sure to end up with a lot of negative things in your life.
So... if our brains are like magnets, they can attract and they can repel. Negative thoughts like incompetence, fear, inferiority, and self doubt for example, will most certainly repel many good things away from your life.
You can train you brain to have positive thoughts as I have talked about in a previous post....concentration, passion and belief are some of the tools you can use and apply to re-train your brain with positive thoughts and energy. With practice this becomes a constant activity. It will become so much part of your daily routine, that eventually, your thoughts will almost instantly dispel a negative thought and replace it with a positive thought and positive'll recognize when this happens and find that not only do you automatically repel the negative thought, you also send out a powerful surge of positive energy coupled with a positive feeling! This is when the true POWER of the Law Of Attraction takes root!
You just have to know how to, implement these methods, and you can empower your brain in a way that will result in very positive changes in your life.
There are many techniques you can try to see what you enjoy and what works best for you. Visualization, passion, repeating thoughts, focusing on specific thoughts are good techniques to start with (see my previous post for some simple ways to get started).
Your mind has unlimited magnetic power...start using it to attract positive people, circumstances and opportunities into your life!
The Law Of Attraction is really quite simple, whatever you think about with great desire and focus will invariably be attracted to you. It doesn't discriminate, you might want a soul mate, a companion, spiritual growth or maybe it's something doesn't matter what the "it" is, if you focus, ask, feel and believe...."it" will come into your life.
The power of attraction is omnipresent and applicable to everyone!