Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sarah McLachlan TV commercial

This TV commercial is so sad, but I wanted to post it for those of you that have not had the opportunity to see it.

If just one of you watches and ends up visiting an animal shelter to adopt your next pet, then all the tears I have cried while seeing this advertisement will have been worth it.

Please adopt an animal from your local shelter or donate to a worthy cause for an animal....they need us.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Is There Really A Silver Lining?

I am a firm believer in the "silver lining" statement.

Most people go through difficult times, heck, everyone does. It varies in degrees from person to person, but we all have our crosses to bear. It's part of life.

I have learned that in every difficult time of my life there has been a silver lining. Without exception. No matter what the problem has been, big or small...there has always been a reward of some form as a result of whatever I went through.

No matter how painful or heartbreaking, I can look back on every situation and find a silver lining some where in that experience.

I'll give you two examples, one small and one rather enormous :)

1. I'll make a long story as short as possible. I was pretty ill and ended up bedridden for a month. It was the middle of the summer, my favorite time of the year. Everyone else was out boating, gardening, going on vacation, going to the lake or river, camping...just doing all the fun things that we all look forward to when Summer arrives. There I was, stuck in bed! I could have spent that time being miserable and feeling sorry for myself, but my "silver lining" was this, every day from 4:30AM until about 9:00PM I had the most spectacular form of entertainment...and it was FREE! I had a hummingbird feeder hung outside my bedroom window and those little birds gave me non-stop entertainment and joy throughout the day!

I look forward to those wonderful little birds return each spring and will do so as long as I live.

2. This example was a pretty big "silver lining". About 30 years ago I was in a very bad car crash. It was 12 days after my wedding day and I was thrown thru the windshield of the truck I was riding in. I was not wearing a seatbelt because I was riding in the center of the bench seat and there was no seatbelt available. When I saw that the truck was going to roll from end to end, I felt myself rise off the seat...I only had time to cover my face with my hands before I hit the glass....the next thing I remember was waking up in a wheat field, unable to move my legs.

The sun was beating down on me, I could barely breathe and my newlywed husband was looking frantically for me under the truck that was now a ball of mangled metal.

The silver lining in this event goes on for pages...I was lucky to be thrown from the truck because where I was sitting, the roof of the cab was crushed to the seat.

I was lucky to have been thrown from the truck because I ended up yards away from where the truck came to rest...it rolled four times and I was fortunate to have landed far enough away that I wasn't crushed under it!

The best silver lining in that event is that I lived and am now a mother of four kids and one grandchild...I have a great life and appreciate every breath I take!

You might have to look real hard to find the silver lining sometimes, but I promise you, it's there...look for it :)

Stone Cairns~Markers For Life

I have always been drawn to stone Cairns. For those of you that are not familiar with cairns, they are rocks that have been placed into formations or piles that are balanced. These cairns are used as markers along a path, road, mountain trail, summits, burial sites and various other places.

When I see a cairn it makes me wonder about the person or people who placed the stones. Why they were moved to build the cairn or add to an existing one. I wonder what their life was like at the moment they placed the stone.

Personally, I view cairns as "life markers". When I build one I let each stone be a memorial to where I have been or where I am headed. Each stone is placed with an affirmation attached to it. I will either silently say the affirmation or say it out lout as I place the stone.

The pictures I have added are some beautiful examples of cairns from different locations.

If you find yourself with some extra time while you are out and about, enjoying nature, sitting on a beach, walking a trail or even broken down on the side of the road...build a cairn and say your affirmations as you place each stone...it might surprise you how meaningful the cairn will be when you are done!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

When Life Derails...

Hi everyone,

I'm sorry for the lack of posts, but I have been dealing with family issues resulting from aged parents.

I am reminded of how life is made up of never ending choices. Every choice we make results in a consequence, that's why it is so important to try not to make rash or hurried decisions if at all possible!

Remember to try to think things through, although we do not have a crystal ball that can show us what lies ahead, we can limit the chaos to an extent by making informed, rational, educated choices.

I have spent the last two weeks trying to regain order in my parent's life when most of the problems could have been avoided if he had only made different choices to begin with!

Please remember...life is what you make it, and it all starts with a choice!

Think things through. Concentrate on what out-come you desire and educate yourself on the options available before you act!

The universe has vast rewards for you if you choose to keep order and direction in your focus!

Madam X

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

James Allen is perhaps best known for his book 'As a Man Thinketh'. This is possibly one of the most powerful books written on the Law of Attraction. For the past 30 years, 'The Science of getting Rich' has been used as the basic guideline in teaching the law of attraction, and was the inspiration for the movie, "The Secret".

"There is no physician like cheerful thought for dissipating the ills of the body; there is no comforter to compare with goodwill for dispersing the shadows of grief and sorrow. To live continually in thoughts of ill will, cynicism, suspicion, and envy, is to be confined in a self made prison-hole. But to think well of all, to be cheerful with all, to patiently learn to find the good in all—such unselfish thoughts are the very portals of heaven; and to dwell day by day in thoughts of peace toward every creature will bring abounding peace to their possessor." James Allen (1864-1912)

Take a few moments today to look around you and see that you don't really have to look very far to see something "good", or find something that brings joy or makes you "cheerful", or even find a bit of patience when you thought you had none to spare....sit back, take a deep breath, close your eye's and picture in your mind a memory that has always made you happy. That will change your point of view...if you let it.
The secret behind The Secret...get the book that explains it all! Click Here.

New Widget for my Motor-Head Blog

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Secret behind The Secret!

Quantum Physicist reveals how to master "The Secret"!!

From: Dr. Eric Amidi, Quantum Physicist

Be sure to read every word of this because the secret ingredient for getting everything you desire is hidden here.

If you think what you have seen in "The Secret" DVD or book was interesting, wait 'til you see what I have to show you..."The Secret Behind The Secret". This is for those who want to Master The Secret.

There are only two types of people:

1) Those who Master The Secret and Apply it (Winners of the game of life!)

2) The rest, including those who think the secret is about just visualizing and


How many people do you know who can honestly say they are living their dreams?

Are you?

Even if you know about the power of “The Secret” and other manifestation techniques, you might not be getting all you can out of them.

In fact, most people give up trying to attract what they want within a few months! They don’t see the results they’re looking for, and throw the baby out with the bath water!

“How Many Times

Have you wondered When

The Real Change

Is Going To Happen in Your Life?”

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When you read these methods, you can manifest anything you desire in your life.

You too can...

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But here's the news... everyone can be a miracle worker. There is a science behind it.

When you follow the steps in this method, you program yourself to achieve anything effortlessly.
In “The Secret Behind The Secret”, I will show you how to Understand the science behind the Law of Attraction

When You Know

Why And How The Secret Works,

Using It Will Be Easy

The greatest minds in the history knew why and how the secret works. Here's what the greatest physicist in the history said about this Secret...

"Reality is merely an illusion,

albeit a very persistent one."

Albert Einstein

This Book Will Change Your Life Forever

Here's what you will find in this book:

• The 3 Hidden Forces in you - Make them work together to make things happen

like miracle.

3 Habits you must adopt to change your luck starting tomorrow.

12 Things you must know before applying The Secret.

4 Major blocks to manifestations – How to blast them away for good.

This Book Summarizes Everything

You Will Need To Know To

Manifest Your Desires In Your Life

This guide is like nothing you’ve ever read on the subject of manifestation, the Law of Attraction, developing a mindset for success or any other self-improvement topic out there.

Let me ask you this: What if this knowledge helps you get just ONE of your desires manifest in your life? Just ONE. What would that be worth to you?

Now ask yourself: What if there's even a chance that this book can actually teach you how to manifest your desires and change your life forever?

If You Are Serious About The Secret

This Book Is For You

To get this powerful book....Click Here!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Writing Powerful Affirmations

Focusing your attention on what you desire is a key step in attracting the things you want into your life. Affirmations are essential and you need to use your affirmations daily...several times a day really.

You might be asking "Ok, but what is an affirmation?" An affirmation is defined as - "Something declared to be true; a positive statement or judgment."

So now that you know what an affirmation is, now you need to know how to write your affirmations. Your affirmation needs to be in present tense, in positive terms, short and specific. For example: "Each decision I make creates new opportunities"... that's powerful!

Now that you have an affirmation, here's how to use it. Repetition is important. I like to start my affirmations in the morning when I first wake, when I am getting ready for the day and when I am having a cup of coffee. I also repeat my affirmations throughout the day...it has become a habit for me and a very enjoyable time too! I have my most important affirmations written out and posted in my bed room. This way I can see them first thing in the morning and when I go to bed...thats also a good time to repeat affirmations.

Emotion and affirmations go hand in hand. Say your affirmations with emotion! "I am financially independent!" ... make it meaningful and feel it when you say it, remember, say it like you believe it!

Now, the "belief" part...this is the more difficult aspect of affirmations. When you're not there yet it's tough to believe, so, here is what you need to do. Feel what it will be like when achieving your desire. Imagine what it will be like. Live it right now in your mind, make your vision so real that your subconscious mind will know that you are already in possession of your desire.

Your subconscious is approximately 90% of your total minds power. Your conscious mind, the part that you use in your daily life is only 10%.

Your subconscious mind will accept anything you tell it without question and will begin to manifest your desires into your life.

My daily affirmations have become something that I cannot stop...If I am working on a task and my thoughts begin to wander, I always find myself going over my list of affirmations and smiling!

Give it a try. Write out some affirmations and put them into motion.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Your Thoughts Are Like Magnets

The Power Of Your Mind

I wish I had learned this at an earlier age! I'm certainly trying to instill this Law into my children's beliefs....I want them to know that anything is achievable if they know how to use the power of their minds!

The mind is very powerful. Like a magnet, our thoughts attract and repel objects, people and events in and out of our lives constantly.

Just look at the people around you, the circumstances of your life right now, today. The people that we come in contact with and the situations we find ourselves in right now are there by a direct result of our thoughts that resulted in an action or actions and created our present situation based on those thoughts.

Our mind is nothing but a continuous reel of thoughts. These thoughts become magnets and send out magnetic currents or vibrations of energy into the universe. The more optimistic, positive and enthusiastic you are about a thought, the actions and results that eventuate from those thoughts, create a positive outcome for you. This also works in the opposite, if you have a negative attitude, actions or mindset, you are sure to attract negative things into your life.

The more you think about a certain activity, object or event, the higher the chances are that those things will be attracted into your life. Now, don't panic, this does not mean that all you think about will become real! Thoughts need a particular strength to materialize....there needs to be feelings, belief and energy behind them to produce the desired result. Weak magnets do not attract much, and the same goes for weak thoughts.

Attraction is an unbiased or neutral power. The magnet attracts everything that is iron, irrespective of whether it is useful or not. The same law applies with our mind and thoughts. Be positive and optimistic if you want good things happen in you life, and if you act otherwise you are sure to end up with a lot of negative things in your life.

So... if our brains are like magnets, they can attract and they can repel. Negative thoughts like incompetence, fear, inferiority, and self doubt for example, will most certainly repel many good things away from your life.

You can train you brain to have positive thoughts as I have talked about in a previous post....concentration, passion and belief are some of the tools you can use and apply to re-train your brain with positive thoughts and energy. With practice this becomes a constant activity. It will become so much part of your daily routine, that eventually, your thoughts will almost instantly dispel a negative thought and replace it with a positive thought and positive energy...you'll recognize when this happens and find that not only do you automatically repel the negative thought, you also send out a powerful surge of positive energy coupled with a positive feeling! This is when the true POWER of the Law Of Attraction takes root!

You just have to know how to, implement these methods, and you can empower your brain in a way that will result in very positive changes in your life.

There are many techniques you can try to see what you enjoy and what works best for you. Visualization, passion, repeating thoughts, focusing on specific thoughts are good techniques to start with (see my previous post for some simple ways to get started).

Your mind has unlimited magnetic power...start using it to attract positive people, circumstances and opportunities into your life!

The Law Of Attraction is really quite simple, whatever you think about with great desire and focus will invariably be attracted to you. It doesn't discriminate, you might want a soul mate, a companion, spiritual growth or maybe it's something materialistic...it doesn't matter what the "it" is, if you focus, ask, feel and believe...."it" will come into your life.

The power of attraction is omnipresent and applicable to everyone!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Bachelorette DeAnna Pappas

The Bachelorette DeAnna Pappas chose Jesse Csincsak over Jason Mesnick!

Personally, I'm thrilled! I think Jesse is perfect for DeAnna.

I have been a Jesse fan since the first show. I kept hoping that DeAnna would keep Jesse in the game each week and give him the roses he deserved. Jesse was an "underdog" from the very start, so I'm very happy that DeAnna saw that Jesse was so much more than just a pretty face.

Jason is seemingly a nice guy with a lot going for him, but he was just too safe, too "good" and pretty boring compared to Jesse.

I hope DeAnna and Jesse make it to the altar on May 9, 2009, that is the wedding date they have set.

Way to go DeAnna!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Cash Gifting - Scam or Does Cash Gifting Work?

This is the Internet's #1 Million Dollar Self-Empowerment Program!

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No matter what your personal financial goals may be, we have the training, resources, and amazing team support to help you achieve these goals, quickly and easily!

This program is UNIQUE and will...

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Not multi-level marketing so you never have to sponsor anyone, sell to friends or family, or buy any products yourself… Yet YOU can receive daily!
No selling or convincing involved - Just request FREE information!

Have fun while helping others and experience IMMEDIATE CASH with the most powerful Home-Based Program in existence! This truly is a life changing program. Don't confuse what you are seeing here with others.

Click here to listen to a 2 minute information Audio about how you can get started TODAY!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Law Of Attraction - Does It Work?

Here are some of my favorite quotes on The Law of Attraction...

"Let a person radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life." James Allen

"Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility." Albert Schweitzer

"Whatever your mind can conceive and can believe, it can achieve." Napoleon Hill

"Every intention sets energy into motion
Whether you are conscious of it or not." Gary Zukav

"Our entire lives are created from our emotional (feeling) state.
This is the powerful energy that creates our reality.
Everything that shows up in our outer world
is a direct match with our Emotional Belief Systems." Melanie Tania Evans

"We forget sometimes that there are saints living among us.
When we meet them, we are reminded, not just of the presence
of pure divinity right here on earth, but also of our own potential,
and of the responsibility we have to try to live up to it ~
for our own sakes and for the very future of this planet." Deepak Chopra

Friday, June 27, 2008

Is This Your Future?

I recently posted about living in the "NOW" and how important it is to pay attention to how you think/feel/act at any given moment.

Some people think "well that takes up a lot of energy" or "I can't monitor my thoughts and actions like that!"...well how bad do you want change? How much do you want your "future" to be your "now"?

I know it seems daunting to change your thoughts, but you have to start. Don't think that you can do this over night or that it has to be an instantaneous change or nothing will happen.
Start small. Here's what I do to change the way I think, feel and act.

  • How to change a Negative thought: Every time I notice a negative thought entering my mind, I try to immediately replace that thought with something positive. What always works for me is a thought of my granddaughter. Right away, I see her beautiful face, and hear her giggles or hear her say my name...and the negative vanishes! Find a positive from your life and use it as your "emergency positive". This exercise will begin to grow with positives that you can replace a negative thought with at any given moment
  • How to change a Feeling: Once you have replaced the negative thoughts, you should already begin to feel more positive...now you should fine-tune those good feelings by putting a smile on your face (if it hasn't already appeared)...I find it very difficult to be negative with a big smile on my face!

  • How to change your Actions: At this point you have replaced your negative thoughts, you have changed the way you were feeling from bad to good and now you need to take some positive action. If I am at home, I grab a cat or a person and give them a hug or tell them I love them. If I am out in a public setting, I will make eye contact with someone and say "Hi, how are you?" and smile...I might even buy the person in line behind me at Starbucks a coffee, I just pay for mine and tell the waitress the extra cash is for the next person and I walk away.
So you see, that short exercise takes place in a matter of seconds. Change isn't the hard part, it's taking action that bogs people down...but really, how hard is the example I have given above? It's not hard at all! Once you force yourself into action, change takes place right then and there!

Your "FUTURE" can be right NOW...all you have to do is start, take action and just watch everything unfold in your life just as you wanted your future to be...only it's your "NOW"!

Create PROSPERITY in your "NOW"! ...CLICK HERE

Monday, June 23, 2008

Perpetual Motion....

"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards"

Soren Kierkegaard

The term perpetual motion, taken literally, refers to movement that goes on forever....create "forward perpetual motion" in your life.

The power has always been and always will be within YOU!

Create Prosperity in your "NOW"...CLICK HERE!

The Power of Now

You may have heard of 'The Power of Now' ...

In your powerful now, if you tell the story of how you got here, you recount the past, and continue what was. This all relates to my past post "Be Careful What You Wish For!"...are you sure you want to go there?

All that really matters is what is happening now and what you are becoming, what you are going towards. Contrary to the old saying "your past equals your future", no, it does NOT! Your past is just that, it's gone, it's over, you cannot change it. You can change everything from this moment forward though.

Be aware of your thoughts and when you step into the past. It's all about vibration. What might also be called your mindset.

What is vibrationally happening now is related to the stories you tell. We're going to tell a new story now. A story that is about becoming more. The happy healthy abundant ever after story.

What matters is your now vibration, which is whatever you're talking / feeling / thinking about ... and I trust, acting upon. Action is essential. Make it inspired action.

Talk, feel, think, in a way that matches what you have (consciously and subconsciously) asked for. If you want X, never tell a story, related to past, present, or future, about Y. Y being what you don't want or the lack of X.

If you talk about 'the way it is', you activate that and will get more of the same. So unless 'the way it is' is exactly the way you want it to be, keep being mindful of what you are putting your focus on.

An understanding and deliberate application of the Law of Creation and the Law of Attraction will bring about many changes in your life.

Take The
to the world ... by living it now.

Blessings Everyone!

Visit My Give and Get Cash site!

(portions of this post came from Jane McCarthy)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Our deepest fear ....

'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are
you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.'
(by Marianne Williamson,
from 'A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A
Course in Miracles')

When you feel the fear, rise to the occasion...it's is the Universe's way of telling you you are on the path to do what you were meant to do.

We have intuition for a reason, let it guide you and act on it...don't wait! Sometimes these moments of intuition are fleeting...grab on and set your intentions into motion!

Blessings Everyone!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Make Money From Social Networking

I like to offer my readers new options that can provide an income and the luxury of being able to stay home and create an income with their computer's...check out "ZenZuu".


Zenzuu wants to share 80% of its Worldwide Advertising Revenue with its active members who join FOR FREE! Be the first few in this area to capitalize on this opportunity.

ZenZuu is easy to do, just follow three simple steps:

Step one: Listen to the CONFERENCE CALLS
Dial 646-519-5860 then put in a special pin code 3214#
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1 pm Eastern, 3 pm Eastern, 5 pm Eastern, 7 pm Eastern, 9 pm Eastern, 11 pm Eastern

Get yourself the same website like this. You can promote our own affiliate programs, company/products through this.

Step three: Tell everyone to do the same
WHY NOT promote ZenZuu now and be able to share in the Advertising Revenue.

IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE TO JOIN NO STRINGS ATTACHED!!! The bigger your team, the bigger your check...FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!

Don’t miss the boat…. JOIN FREE NOW -- BE ON TOP!!! -- THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!!!

"Do we really have a right to be rich?"

Some people view the believers of the Law of Attraction to be "materialistic" or "money hungry", and maybe some people are, but the Law of Attraction is usually soooo much bigger for the people who practice, believe in it and live it! It's a way of life...it is our life because we choose it to be that way. Thats the beauty of the Law of Attraction...do life your way!

Being "rich" isn't always about how much money you have, in fact most of the time it has nothing to do with money at all.....

"Not only do you have a right to be rich, you have a mandate from the universe to be rich. Please be aware that rich is not merely material things. It's not merely about acquisition. It's about releasing the talents, the gifts, and the capacities of your own soul, so that you're living a very fulfilled, successful, evolved life. And this includes having all of your structures together. Your financial structure. Your relationships, your health, your well being, being on the edge of creativity. The universe wants to become conscious as you and the universe is abundant. It is full of life. So you not only have a right to be rich, you are here to reveal that your
nature is powerful beyond your wildest imagination. Go for it." (Michael Beckwith ('The Secret' movie)

So to answer the title question "Do we really have a right to be rich?" YES WE DO!

Ask - Believe - Recive

Blessings Everyone!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Positive Goals

By -- Ralph Marston

"What you passionately and purposefully seek to have, you will have. What you passionately and purposefully seek to avoid, you will also have.

When you intensely focus your energy upon anything, that thing grows more real and influential in your life. That holds true whether it is something you strongly desire or something you strongly detest.

If you put your effort into fighting against something, you end up giving more strength and consequence to whatever you're fighting against. Instead, find a desirable alternative and put your energy into working toward that alternative.

What you hold most firmly and consistently in your mind, you create and become. So keep your thoughts focused on moving toward the desirable, enjoyable and fulfilling things.

The most effective way to move away from what you don't want is to actively move toward what you do want. Rather than defining your life by what you oppose, challenge yourself to develop positive goals that you can enthusiastically embrace and follow.

Your life naturally and persistently flows in the direction where your attention is focused. So choose to focus on the best you can imagine.

-- Ralph Marston"

If you put these things into action, I promise you will have a very positive life!

Blessings Everyone!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New Breakthrough "Forced Money" System Just Released!

Hi Everyone...this is an interesting opportunity that a good friend of mine is taking part in, I thought I pass it on to all of you.
(Thanks Mr. P.!)

There's a "new" kind of website these days - one that "FORCES"
M0NEY into your pocket!

The days are now over where you were left with just "chance" on
your side when it came to making M0NEY on the Internet.

A brand new "technology" has been developed that makes websites pay
you by "F0RCE!"

Short of putting a gun to people's heads and making them take their
money out of their wallets and pay you without choice, this new
technology might as well be the exact same thing.

This breakthrough was developed by a New York Virtual Marketing
Firm, and is taking the Web by storm!

Already some pretty famous names are taking note of this new "M0NEY
making invention" that "forces" M0NEY out of the Internet directly
into your bank account!

A spokesperson for the NYC firm boasted proudly:

"Imagine the Worldwide-Web as an ocean of M0NEY ... our new
technology merely makes a way for YOU to be able to dig a big
trench from that 'cash-sea' directly into your backyard!"

And that's obviously a pretty amazing feat to say the very least!

People get a webpage that's NOT ordinary by any means!

The webpage "captures" a huge segment of the daily visitors it
receives and winds up upselling them repeatedly with a predictable
conversion each and every time!

Plus, the webpage has a "built-in" device that allows it to
generate "free traffic" without end!

So considering the fact that you get free traffic, along with a
predictable and steady stream of sales conversions, you get a
guaranteed source of endless income!

Additionally, the webpage you get already contains a PROVEN digital
product that no online marketer can live without, and one that is
delivered where all your orders are filled automatically by another
firm on behalf of you, the webpage owner! (*And all at no costs!)

Not only that, but the webpage contains a video that makes further
an irresistible offer so that people must surrender their contact
information, and which also becomes a VAST double-optin list!

This list is maintained by yet another separate online firm on your
behalf, and that has the HIGHEST track record for getting over 98%
deliverability for follow-up emailings (the same that convert
another 378% more sales for you!)

So in a nutshell you get:

An amazing website!
A website that converts sales automatically!
A website that puts "forced" money directly into your
A website that's run by another firm for you (at N0 charge!)
A website that continues to promote for you over & over!
A website that grows & cultivates a proven list!
A website that functions automatically (so you never run
And a website that you get Free H0STING for!

So as you can easily see you get the whole "Sha-Bang!"

Here are just a few examples of the successes people are having
using this "Forced Money" breakthrough system:

---> "Lisa C." Got $44,047 In Just 97 Days

---> "Jay R." Got $102,033 In Just 32 Days

---> "Cal W." Got $317,951 In Just 17 Days

Without wasting another moment of your time, why not go to the new
site that shows you how you can get this site for yourself (if
you'd like) for next to nothing? ...


*But I must warn you that they are only giving away a very limited
number of these "forced money" websites that forcibly pour money
into your pocket! - So please [for your sake] HURRY!

Thought For The Day...

Hi Readers,

I have added a new feature to the right side of my blog, it's called "Thought for the day". Please be sure to check it out.

You can click on it and visit the incredible, inspiring writings of Ralph Marston.

He is very gifted with words. I have been reading his quotes for several years now and I always enjoy them!

He also has some beautiful videos with words of gratitude, forgiveness, inspiration, or encouragement. These videos have amazing photography and gentle music playing as quotes enter your view.

Take a minute to visit his site.

Blessings Everyone!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The History of Father's Day

Fathers Day was not established as a holiday in order to boost the sales of greeting cards.

When a "father's day" was first proposed there were no Father's Day cards!

Mrs. John B. Dodd, of Washington, first proposed the idea of a "father's day" in 1909. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart. William Smart, a Civil War veteran, was widowed when his wife (Mrs. Dodd's mother) died in childbirth with their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern Washington state. It was after Mrs. Dodd became an adult that she realized the strength and selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent.

The first Father's Day was observed on June 19, 1910 in Spokane Washington.

At about the same time in various towns and cities across American other people were beginning to celebrate a "father's day.".

In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Father's Day. Finally in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father's Day.

Father's Day has become a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all honored on Father's Day.

Be sure to remember the men that have made your life special!

Happy Father's day Mr. P., you are a wonderful father!

Blessings Everyone!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Internet Marketing Free Gift Will Entice People To Opt-in To Your List

One of the ways to build your opt-in list in internet marketing is to give away a free gift in exchange for the prospect’s email address.

If you have been trying to build list by giving away free gift but you are not getting the desired result, this article may help.

In this article, I’m going to share with you what kind of free gift will make people bite!

“Kenneth, what makes you qualified to write this article?”

Fair enough. I’ve not given away 100s of different types of free gift to test what kind of free gift will yield the best response. Who will have such experience anyway?

But recently, there is a mega giveaway event called Easter JV Giveaway 2. If you are on a few lists, you probably saw this offer.

In a giveaway event, several marketers, called the Contributors, come together to contribute a free product. They will then invite other people to download the free products. The trick is, in order to download a free product, you will have to opt-in to the Contributor’s list. Can you see how the Contributors build list using this approach?

I am one of the contributors in Easter JV Giveaway 2 and I have access to the signup statistics for different products. By analyzing the stats, you can tell what kind of free gift results in more signups.

Interested to see the stats?

(By Kenneth Koh)
Visit this Blog to read the full article...click here!

Friday, June 13, 2008

What Was She Thinking?!

This is a picture that I came across and just thought...what the heck? And...OUCH!!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Be Careful of What You Wish For....

...and be prepared to GET it!

"When you recognize yourself to be the powerful “Being” that you truly are, only then can conscious manifestation principles and techniques really work. Without the belief that you are powerful enough to create the circumstances you desire in life, you will continue to create none-the-less, but do so unconsciously. The result will be less desirable circumstances that appear to “show up” uninvited." (Written by Victoria Sutherland ·June 9, 2008) (More here)

Realize that when you sit around wishing for "debt to go away" or that "you didn't always hurt" or that "people just don't understand you" or that "your life wasn't so complicated"...all of those thoughts that you run over and over in your mind, feeling the misery and despair that goes along with those thoughts, do only one thing for you...they bring more of those things into your life!

Start to change those thoughts right now. Look inside your heart, see what it is that is missing, look at what brought you to where you are today and decide right NOW to make a change.

Think of something good that you have in your life, feel the gratitude associated with that good thing and set a goal to do that same thought exercise at least one more time that day.

If you start with this one small step and build on it every day, before you know it you will begin to see your thoughts changing from negative energy into positive energy...it only gets better from there on!

Blessings Everyone!

Know Your Mind, Live Your Dreams

Know Your mind. Live Your Dreams.

Part time, full time or big time – the choice is yours!

Make an income while making a difference. Become your own boss TODAY~

Join the new wave of Cash Gifting! Live Abundantly. Learn what Financial Freedom feels, like!

Experience the life you envision...and never look back!

Join me today and put the wheels of change in motion....CLICK HERE NOW!

Cash Gifting is the answer!

Thoughts Become Things.....

When using the Laws of Attraction, always remember this, it's your state of mind that is the most important thing in the whole process!

The degree of energy you put into your intent, willingness and belief is what will activate and achieve the force of receiving what you have intended.

The desire or passion for the preferred object and or action, then creates a magnetism toward the objective and a desire to have it.

Mental and physical action is required in unison to achieve results. You may use praying, meditation, affirmations or visualization to draw a specific
thing toward you but it takes action to convert it into a material state. Some form of activity is always required; because action is the vehicle through
which all desires are manifested.

Don't worry about the how's or when of your expectations, just focus on the truth in the fact that it will happen. Completely release any inhibitions.

Once you establish the validly in your desire, turn it over to your acceptance, possibility and the deliverance of what you have intended.

Don't worry about what people think. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to come up with some elaborate plan. Just step back and calmly believe in its reality. Let it grow in intensity for a little while. Stay aware and thank God for your good fortune.

Trust your intuition for guidance and remember...“like attracts like” and “your thoughts create your reality” is the basic premise of the “law of attraction.”

Why Are We Happy?

Watch this and then realize...THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS!

Print Your Own Cash....!

Hi Everyone,

Would you like to show your PPC ad to 1,398,100 prospects for free?

Initially, I thought this is just another scam or another hoax. But after understanding how the system works, it all makes sense to me.

Check out this newly launched service and get in FAST before anyone else! You will regret if you don't.

Click here to check it out!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How Lucky Are You??

I was surfing around and found this interesting article (on a great blog, I'll include a link!) about "7 ways to be more lucky".

The author talks about luck being "the combination of a lot of things you do in life and what you believe about yourself and others."

Now the author isn't talking about the luck associated with winning the lottery or gambling...those are games of CHANCE, the luck I'm referring to is that in life...the author writes "Being lucky in life is when you have the life you want and it seemingly happens by accident, by pure luck." ...this isn't really "luck" at all, it's powered by your thoughts and actions!

To read about the "7 Ways To Be More Lucky Here is the link: CLICK HERE!

Blessings Everyone!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How to Think, Believe, Receive....

Just imagine what you can change in your life by just doing these three things...think...believe...receive!

Thoughts become things. What you think about the most, you attract into your life. If you constantly think about and worry over debt...thats exactly what you will bring into your life, MORE DEBT!

Now, if you think about and FEEL the excitement of having abundance in your life, thats exactly what you'll get!

Just try it...set a small goal, and think on it many times throughout the day, feel good about it, as if you already have accomplished it...you'll see, it will come true for you!

Here are some of my favorite quotes"

“You are the embodiment of the information you choose to accept and act upon. To change your circumstances you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions.”

“Success is a welcomed gift for the uninhibited mind.”

“To move ahead you need to believe in yourself...have conviction in your beliefs and the confidence to execute those beliefs.”

“The tears of faithfulness to your beliefs cleanse your spirit to envision the road ahead. Everything is possible for the person who believes.”

( Adlin Sinclair quotes -British born Businessman, motivational speaker and Humanitarian, )

Blessings Everyone!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Is Cash Gifting a Scam?...

Receive $500, $1000, $1500, $2000, $2500, $3000 or more cash daily! Start your very own CASH EXPLOSION with THE most *POWERFUL* in home cash flow system on the internet today!
Sounds too good to be true, but I'm here to tell you it's NO SCAM!

If you can surf the net...you can do this!

If you can post a message in a forum...you can do this!

If you can use a social networking site..you can do this!

You are not limited to the internet either. We have complete training, support, even leads to get you started on your road to residual income at home.

This overnight cash system really does work! It's not magic though, you will have to get the word out! This is a truly amazing program that can create the Abundance, Wealth, Prosperity and Financial Freedom that we are all looking for!

Click HERE! and listen to a short audio presentation and sign up for a follow-up call if you like what you hear!

Blessings Everyone!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Choose Your Priorities

Your priorities are not determined by what you say they are. Your most genuine priorities are expressed by what you actually do with your life and your time.

Look around you, and you'll see very clearly what your priorities have been up to this point. Those priorities have brought you to where you are right now.

If something is truly a priority for you, you absolutely are able to find a way to reach it. If it's not a priority, it's probably not going to happen for you.

You can set your priorities and you can change them at any time to be whatever you choose. But merely wishing for something does not make it a priority.

The priorities that are really priorities are the ones that dictate where you focus your awareness. The priorities that truly matter are the ones in which you invest your interest, your attention and, most importantly, your action.

You can follow whatever priorities you choose, and in every moment you are constantly choosing. Remember, as you go through each day, to choose those priorities that will bring the special joy and fulfillment that is yours to live.

-- Ralph Marston http://greatday.com/motivate/080527.html

Ralph is one of my favorite writers!

Your Guiding Light...

Allow Your Own Inner Light to Guide You
There comes a time when you must stand alone.

You must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams.

You must be willing to make sacrifices.

You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities so that your final goal can be achieved.

Sometimes, familiarity and comfort need to be challenged.

There are times when you must take a few extra chances and create your own realities.

Be strong enough to at least try to make your life better.

Be confident enough that you won't settle for a compromise just to get by.

Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow, develop, and find your true sense of purpose in this life.

Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's your sunlight that should lead the way.

This material came from: http://www.indianchild.com/thoughts_for_life.htm

Blessings Everyone!

Hot New Marketing...

Find Steady Income Through ASD Cash Generator

Hot New Marketing Site!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Swami Vivekananda...POWERFUL Stuff!

Indian saint, Vivekananda lived over 100 years ago...and he got it right when he said these words:

“We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.”

“We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.”

(Indian Spiritual leader of the Hindu religion (Vedanta). Disciple of the famous 19th century mystic-saint Sri Ramakrishna of Calcutta. Founder of the Ramakrishna Order of Monks. 1863-1902)

Give Cash and Get Cash!

This is the Internet's #1 Million Dollar Self-Empowerment Program!

Improve Your Financial Situation NOW!

No matter what your personal financial goals may be, we have the training, resources, and amazing team support to help you achieve these goals, quickly and easily!

This program is UNIQUE and will...
Empower you to share and realize personal and financial fulfillment!
Allow you to help others as well as yourself and your family.
Allow you the opportunity to create a dream lifestyle!

  • Not multi-level marketing so you never have to sponsor anyone, sell to friends or family, or buy any products yourself… Yet YOU can receive daily!
  • No selling or convincing involved - Just request FREE information!
Have fun while helping others and experience IMMEDIATE CASH with the most powerful Home-Based Program in existence! This truly is a life changing program. Don't confuse what you are seeing here with others.

Click here to listen to a 2 minute information Audio about how you can get started TODAY!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What is "Success"?

Success has no particular name or identity.

There is no set definition or list of rules to describe what success is, there is only your definition. It means something different from one person to the next.

All successful people have something in common - they make decisions!

To be a success, you must first choose to be so. It might not always be a conscious decision, the seed that leads to action is that first intention. Then the rocket fuel is to know and feel, that you are successful now, over and over and over, many times a day.

Being successful is a two-part process - beliefs and determination. Both of which begin in the mind and emotions.

Be YOUR definition of Success!

Blessings Everyone!


This is a great new Marketing tool!

I found this new FULL INTERNET UPGRADE technology that is about to upgrade THE ENTIRE INTERNET to Web 2.0 standards and IT'S FREE!

Plus, they are giving away ONE MILLION DOLLARS to spread the word about it - and you can get a share for helping - NO COST!

Check it out at:
Biz Op Builder

Here is an outline of the company:


Have you ever wanted to be in on the NEXT BIG THING before everyone else? We are about to show you what our member's are calling THE NEXT BIG GOOGLE!

No, we are not just another mySpace clone or Social Networking website. We have taken this trend to the Next Level. We are doing something that NO ONE has ever accomplished before...


This MAJOR TREND known as Social Networking has become the NORM on the Internet, though still less than 5% of all websites are considered to be Web 2.0 enabled.

The Web 2.0 Upgrade is an astonishing breakthrough in what is being called THE NEXT STEP IN THE EVOLUTION of the Internet...and why people are touting this company to become the NEXT BIG ONLINE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY...and THE NEXT HUGE "GOOGLE" SUCCESS STORY.

Our technology is NOT just another Social Networking website. The Web 2.0 Upgrade, upgrades the ENTIRE Internet to Web 2.0 functionality! Every site at a click of a button! WOW! "

Q. "What makes you different from other Web 2.0 Technologies?"

A. "All other new Web 2 Social Networking communities reside ON a website, or you have to add code to a website to enable it. Our technology upgrades EVERY website on the Internet to Web 2.0 functionality at a click of a button!"

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Teachers of The Secret

Here is a preview of some of the teachers that appeared in The Secret.

Remember to take part in my Giveaway by subscribing and you could be the winner of a new DVD of The Secret!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Remembering those lost...

Today has been a day of reflection for me. I spent quiet time to look into my heart, however painful it might be, to feel the love for the people who have passed on in my circle of family and friends.

I spoke with my daughter as we both cried, remembering her grandfather...a man that was "larger than life" to us. We cried as we talked about the fact that even though it has been 6 years since we said goodbye to him, we can still see his face as clearly as ever, see his hands as they served the food he loving prepared for us, and still hear his booming voice as he laughed or told one of his funny stories.

He was a well traveled man and he made an impression on people everywhere he went.

He loved to tell the story of his trip to Calcutta where he arranged a meeting with Mother Teresa. Before his trip he wrote letters to her and she wrote back to him several times. Her letters were hand written, in pencil!

He told her he was bringing her a gift and he went to his friends and associates for donations of any amount...when he met her he gave her the money and she took his hands in hers and looked into his eyes and thanked him.

He told us she was the most impressive person he had ever met. He had his photo of them together hanging on the wall beside his favorite chair.

The interesting footnote that he always added to the story was this...at the end of the day that he spent with Mother Teresa, he was sitting in the cafe of his hotel, just basking in the afterglow of his meeting when a man walked up to his table, he looked up and it was the Dalai Lama! No joke, its a true story! He met Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama in the same day!

My daughter and I ended up smiling and our hearts were full remembering a man we consider to be the GREATEST grandpa ever :)

Blessing Everyone

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Shocking Truth....

Have you heard about the Law Of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is nothing new. It has been practiced and written about for well over 2000 years...but with the advances in modern technology the shocking truth about the power of the Law of Attraction is becoming mainstream.

In this time of instant information at our fingertips, via phones, fax, television, radio and the internet more and more people are able to learn about and put into motion the Law of Attraction.

What was once a coveted secret known only to a "special hierarchy" of individuals, this amazing, secret, universal law is now available to anyone!

I have chosen to use the Law of Attraction every day...I weave it in and out of my thoughts hundreds of times a day! I have experienced its truth over and over in so many aspects of my life...in fact, just 30 minutes ago I received a phone call informing me that my next paycheck was going to be double it's normal amount! I received this call just hours after I had stated an affirmation regarding the receipt of additional money this month!

You don't know me, but this is the absolute truth...the Law Of Attraction is REAL.

Watch the short video I have linked under my favorite links called "The Secret".

Blessings Everyone

FREE Gift To my 10th Subcriber!

It's time for a contest!

I will send a very special FREE gift to the 10th new subscriber!

It's not an E-book, nothing cheap or menial.

This FREE gift has the power to change your life in a phenomenal way! I'm going to send you a DVD, The Secret. (See my "links" on the right side of this blog for a preview of The Secret)

This is a powerful movie, filled with information that can empower you to bring anything you desire into your life....sound incredible? well it is incredible and it's the truth!

The Secret is nothing new...the laws explained in The Secret have been known to mankind for thousands of years, many famous people in history and in modern-day times used and still practice today, the practices found in The Secret.

The way I think, talk, feel and live has been forever changed since I started using the teachings that I learned by watching The Secret. I want to share this gift with YOU!

Be the 10th new subscriber to my Blog and I will contact you via email and send your NEW DVD to you. Remember, see my "links" on the right side of this blog for a preview of The Secret.

Blessings Everyone!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


"There is no more Electricity in the world today than there was fifty years ago, but until someone recognized the law by which it could be made of service, we received no benefit; now that the law is understood, practically the whole world is lit by it. So it is with the law of Abundance; it is only those who recognize the law and place themselves in harmony with it, who share in its benefits." (This is a quote from The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel (1912)

Let me show you how to create abundance in your life....you have it all within you, the power is there, it's in your thoughts every day.

Free, Free, Free

FREE is a powerful word....and the information I can provide you with that can change your life in a dramatic way, is just that...FREE! Send me an email and I will provide you with information on how cash giving can open up a whole new world for you.

It will take about 20 minutes of your time to listen to the information...you have 20 minutes don't you? If you knew that just spending 20 minutes listening to a few people sharing how much their lives have changed, and YOU could experience the same excitement and freedom that they have...wouldn't you take 20 minutes to find out about it?

Contact me, I can change your life!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Cash Gifting: Timeless Concept Helps Thousands Yearly

There was a time when people gathered together and in a matter of a few days, built a new barn for a neighbor...people contributed in any way they could. Some brought meals, other's provided tools or materials like wood and nails, it was a joint effort that resulted in helping a person in need...QUICKLY!

This powerful vehicle of goodwill is making it's way back into mainstream thought patterns.

The concept of giving and receiving has been embraced by humankind since the beginning of civilization. Religious doctrine and personal philosophies all across the planet have long advocated this simplistic concept that leads to the betterment of countless lives. To reap what one sows is not merely our right from birth; it is a wonderful blessing that has been all but forgotten in our competitive societies. Everyone is so busy worrying about themselves that they have become oblivious to the many benefits of being altruistic.

Cash gifting is helping to bring this powerful vehicle of goodwill back into mainstream thought patterns. I will show you a highly successful online program based on the positive energies gained through charity. It has taken my personal wealth to levels unimagined and what’s more, it gives me such a great feeling to be able to help others.

Cash gifting is 100% legal in the United States and Canada. You can promote legitimate cash gifting programs both online and offline. We are entitled to share our belongings and/or cash with anyone we deem deserving. It is up to each of us as individuals to do what we feel is right. We are allowed to give. We are allowed to help each other.

In the 80’s, the concept of cash gifting came under a lot of fire. People developed a suspicion about it because there were a lot of illegitimate programs being started. There were no moderators – no way to protect yourself from scams. Modern cash gifting is well organized and completely valid. Today there is a highly sophisticated tracking program in place working constantly to assure the integrity of the plan. Nobody is ever cheated. The program is well documented with a proven track record of success.

This program has allowed me to create personal wealth at a rate quicker than I ever imagined possible. This program has changed the way I will do my business online forever. When I receive feedback from the program’s participants, I know that I’m doing something to help them. It makes me feel wonderful inside to know that people’s lives are bettered on a daily basis because of this plan. When people break through their resistance and get into this easy-to-engage program, they report more freedom and happiness than they have ever experienced. They are thrilled!

I would like to encourage everyone to explore this enduring and virtuous model of sharing. The Internet is an amazing entity. It is a vehicle that allows all people an equal chance to generate prosperity and happiness within their lives.

I will do this for the rest of my life. And I will do it with a happy heart because I know for certain that people’s lives are being touched in a very positive way.

Bookmark this site for information on how you can join in on the cash gifting revolution...it will change your life ...not in months, but in days...you are just one phone call away from an exciting trend that will forever change your finances, lifestyle and put you on the path to see your dreams come true!